A very warm welcome to all, I take the privilege to welcome you all to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at REC. The focus of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is on providing quality education and promoting practicals based hands on learning environment in the field of Mechanical Engineering. The Department of mechanical engineering, which is foundation of engineers, came into existence at REC in the year 2006. Since then the department of Mechanical Engineering strives hard to acquaint the budding engineering to sharpen their core engineering skills by taking up theoretical and practical measures in requisite quantum. Our Laboratories have been very well established not only to cover complete syllabus but to motivate students to learn beyond the syllabus which definitely develops complete knowledge of the subject (both the practical and theoretical depth of knowledge). and develop skill sets to become promising engineers in future. The department has well qualified faculty and staff members who are available to the students all the times. Faculty members in addition to regular teaching are associated in consultancy services to local industry. We maintain industry-academic collaboration through a wide range of activities. Students do interact with industrialists and work as a team to become a skilled and talented graduate. Government policies also indicate focus on making India a global manufacturing hub. Therefore, the demand for quality Mechanical Engineers would continue to grow and companies will continue to look for Mechanical engineers from REC, as they are empowered with greater technical skill. I wish to take the opportunity to assure you that I will try my best to maximize student’s participation in the department and will keep the admin transparent.