The Department of Basic Science and Humanities started from the inception of the college. Knowledge in basic science forms the base of Engineering. The Department comprises of different subjects of study namely Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Economics and English. This department plays a vital role in chiselling the communicative as well as technical skill of students in Communication Lab, Physics Lab & Chemistry Lab. The practical demonstration in Lab as well as activity-based teaching in theory class not only prepare a student to get ready for the challenging future but also support them to stand confidently in corporate sector. The experienced and trained faculty members regularly toil and moil to nurture the students of first year as well as second year of B.Tech in developing their scientific temperament.


It gives me immense pleasure in welcoming you to explore the virtual perception and exposure of Basic Humanities and Sciences Department at REC. The Department of Basic Humanities and Sciences has a rich curriculum and allied activities to provide a comprehensive education for B.Tech graduates. It prepares them to be technically well-off, to be critical thinkers, productive citizens, and leaders in a wide range of careers: government as well as an array of managerial options in the private sector. During their study, students complete rigorous programs of course work, participate in a variety of co-curricular programs within and with other top engineering colleges. Our Department has got well-qualified, talented and dedicated faculty members. The faculty members of the Human Sciences department have always


To become an advanced and innovative learning center to build the foundations for Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Humanities to nurture our students to develop professional competencies and human values.


To offer value-based knowledge to young engineering professionals

To inculcate ethical values and promote social responsibility through an effective learning process in basic sciences and humanities.

To provide students with soft skills and behavioral training programs in order to develop their overall personality and social consciousness.


An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.

Shall be able to employ necessary techniques, hardware and software tools for modern engineering applications.

Shall be able to solve problems through analytical thinking.

Shall be able to follow and contribute to the developments in their own field, within realistic constraints such as economic, social, ethical, environmental and sustainability.

Shall be able to communicate effectively.

Would have strong ethical and professional responsibility and adherence to quality.

Should recognize the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning.

Should have a knowledge of contemporary issues.


C V Raman Lab of Physics
J C Bose Lab of Chemistry
Class Rooms
Programming Lab.
English LAB
Environmental Lab