Home Vipnet Club

Vipnet Club

A science club named as Visionary Club has formed under VIPNET, Govt. of India undertaking on 22nd July, 2019

What is VIPNET:

VIPNET, which stands for VIgyan Prasar NETwork, was introduced to Vigyan Prasar as a new project in 1998 with the goal of giving the Indian science club movement an uplift. This is a network that will bring together all science clubs, societies, and organizations that are already established, or will be established, and are willing to collaborate with Vigyan Prasar to strengthen the country's popular science movement, which has far-reaching implications for society's development. Vigyan Prasar has the necessary technology resources and mission to reach out to the public. The VIPNET clubs are intended to be Vigyan Prasar's change agents in India's most distant locations.

Vision of VIPNET:

Through enrolling with VIPNET for affiliation, any functional and highly operational science club in any area of the country, without discrimination based on caste, religion, philosophy, gender, or language, can become a member of VIPNET.

Furthermore, with local initiatives and Vigyan Prasar's supervision, many more science clubs will be established, which will be able to register with VIPNET for affiliation after completing some basic standards.

The new and existing clubs will keep their own identities and run programmes as they see appropriate.

In the club brochure, signboard, or other literature they make, only the sentence "Affiliated with VIPNET" must be mentioned. Enrolling in VIPNET is free of cost, including registration and affiliation.

Objectives of VIPNET:

Work as local activity centre of club with Vigyan Prasar.

Dissemination of information about science and technology (S&T), which is a critical development instrument.

Evolution of a holistic approach towards problems through awareness, concern, involvement, and application of the scientific methodology for their resolution.

Various short and long-term activities and programmes are envisaged for the science clubs which are doable and relevant.

Curiosity, inquiry, ingenuity, and creativity should be encouraged through activities that enhance traditional instruction and make science a highly pleasurable and intriguing endeavour; Participating in the National Children's Science Congress is a great example.

To provide the basic skill and motivation towards research and development activities.

To explore different concepts and ideas related to science and technology in between students of inter schools & colleges.

Faculty Coordinator:

Prof. Anshuman Bhuyan

Prof. Umakanta Dash
